Senin, 22 Desember 2014

[Conversion] Using Modal Auxiliaries

[Conversion] Using Modal Auxiliaries

Doni : Oh my god.... i'm so tired, I should Go Home.
Clara : Sure you must go home.
Doni : Okay See You...
Clara : Bye

At Home
Doni : Johny must have at home, Because The Light is on
(Open the Door)
Doni : Hello...... Anybody Home??....Johny is that you?.

Going to the Kitchen
Doni : Oh my god where is al he food, Johny Must have eaten the food, where is he?
Doni : Johny Where are you?..... Johny?... Johny?.. Johny?

Johny : What's up bro, i'm here in the bedroom
Doni : when did you came?
Johny : I came here about two hours ago
Doni : Why you didn't tell me?
Johny : Sorry, because i'm so busy, i should finish all of the assignment from my lecturer.
Doni : ohh i know that.
Johny : About your food..... i'm sorry, i'm so hungry so i ate your food
Doni : Take it easy , i know that, you can ate all that food.

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