Minggu, 21 Desember 2014

[Conversation] Using Modals

[Conversation] Using Modals

Ella      : Oh my GOD, This assignment is so difficult . We should do it together
Ismi     : Thas is a great idea
Ella      : Let’s do it in my house tonight, but.... I need laptop
Ismi     : You canborrow my laptop
Ella      : May I?
Ismi     : Yes, you can borrow it. Will you come to join with us roro?
Roro    : No, thank you. I will do it in my house because I could be tired if go there
Ismi     :Let’s join with us. It will be better.
Roro    : NO. I do it own, that is much better.
Ella      : Are you sure?
Roro    : Yes of course. I prefer to sleep than to do assignment
Ella      : Oh NO. Don’t be like that. Your assignment is more  than sleeping
Ismi     : How about in park?
             You do come over, don’t you?
Roro    : Well, I wanna join with you.

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